Maria Agnes ThemannAge: 21 years1812–1833
- Name
- Maria Agnes Themann
- Given names
- Maria Agnes
- Surname
- Themann
Birth | July 21, 1812 47 35 |
Birth of a sister | Maria Elisabeth Themann March 10, 1817 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Henrich Themann October 11, 1829 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a half-brother | Heinrich Arend Themann December 25, 1830 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anna Margaretha Grevenstedde August 6, 1832 (Age 20 years) Note: Altersangabe 97 Jahre
Death | August 24, 1833 (Age 21 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Henrich Themann Birth: October 11, 1764 32 30 — Steinfeld Death: October 11, 1829 — Steinfeld-Mühlen |
mother |
Maria Catharina Sieve Birth: August 18, 1776 45 31 — Holdorf Ihorst Death: March 5, 1853 — Steinfeld-Mühlen |
Marriage: January 16, 1806 — Steinfeld, VEC, NI, DE |
1 year elder sister |
Maria Catharina Themann Birth: January 24, 1807 42 30 — Steinfeld Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Anna Margaretha Themann Birth: February 22, 1809 44 32 — Steinfeld Death: May 7, 1854 — Steinfeld |
3 years herself |
Maria Agnes Themann Birth: July 21, 1812 47 35 — Steinfeld Death: August 24, 1833 — Steinfeld |
5 years younger sister |
Maria Elisabeth Themann Birth: March 10, 1817 52 40 — Steinfeld Death: March 10, 1890 |
Father’s family with Maria Agnes Krogman |
father |
Johann Henrich Themann Birth: October 11, 1764 32 30 — Steinfeld Death: October 11, 1829 — Steinfeld-Mühlen |
step-mother |
Maria Agnes Krogman Birth: 1769 — DE Death: April 15, 1805 — Steinfeld |
Marriage: November 25, 1794 — Steinfeld, VEC, NI, DE |
22 months half-brother |
Heinrich Arend Themann Birth: September 15, 1796 31 27 — Steinfeld Death: December 25, 1830 |
2 years half-sister |
Maria Catharina Themann Birth: February 10, 1799 34 30 — Steinfeld Death: February 24, 1799 |
19 months half-brother |
Franz Heinrich Themann Birth: September 2, 1800 35 31 — Steinfeld Death: April 26, 1810 |