Maria Elisabeth StegemannAge: 78 years1870–1949
- Name
- Maria Elisabeth Stegemann
- Given names
- Maria Elisabeth
- Surname
- Stegemann
Family with parents |
mother |
Mary Agnes Diekmann Birth: |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Maria Elisabeth Stegemann Birth: August 23, 1870 — Steinfeld Death: May 17, 1949 — North Hollywood |
Family with Johan Heinrich Liening |
husband |
Johan Heinrich Liening Birth: November 16, 1844 29 35 — Steinfeld Death: February 11, 1914 — Denver |
herself |
Maria Elisabeth Stegemann Birth: August 23, 1870 — Steinfeld Death: May 17, 1949 — North Hollywood |
Marriage: February 1892 — Kansas, USA |
1 year son |
John Henry Liening Birth: February 14, 1893 48 22 — Denver Death: July 19, 1980 — Seneca |
23 months daughter |
Anna Elisabeth Liening Birth: 1894 49 23 Death: 1918 |
5 years daughter |
Minnie Liening Birth: 1898 53 27 Death: February 25, 1914 — Denver |
17 months daughter |
Emma Frances Liening Birth: May 19, 1899 54 28 — Colorado Death: 1984 — North Hollywood |
22 months son |
Arthur Liening Birth: March 18, 1901 56 30 Death: May 24, 1903 |
22 months son |
Frank Paul Liening Birth: January 14, 1903 58 32 — Denver Death: October 15, 1978 — Roseburg |
5 years daughter |
Marie Josephine Liening Birth: June 6, 1908 63 37 — Colorado Death: July 17, 1979 — Alameda |
6 years son |
Albert Marcellus Liening Birth: January 2, 1914 69 43 — Colorado Death: September 4, 1985 — Santa Barbara |
Johan Heinrich Liening + Catherine “Kansas Kate” Geierman |
husband |
Johan Heinrich Liening Birth: November 16, 1844 29 35 — Steinfeld Death: February 11, 1914 — Denver |
husband’s wife |
Catherine “Kansas Kate” Geierman Birth: 1859 Death: January 16, 1891 — Denver |
Marriage: June 1885 — Wathena, Kansas, USA |
5 years step-daughter |
Magdalena Liening Birth: 1889 44 30 Death: September 11, 1889 |