Anna Maria Dorothea GlandorffAge: 21 years1788–1809
- Name
- Anna Maria Dorothea Glandorff
- Given names
- Anna Maria Dorothea
- Surname
- Glandorff
Birth | March 8, 1788 44 |
Birth of a brother | Bernhard Heinrich Glandorff November 24, 1790 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Gerhard Glandorff June 26, 1793 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Friderich Glandorff January 26, 1799 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Ernst Glandorff 1799 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a brother | Franz Heinrich Glandorff February 8, 1802 (Age 13 years) |
Marriage of a half-sibling | Johann Heinrich Glandorff — Elisabeth Dreyer — View this family October 23, 1803 (Age 15 years) Note: Die weiteren 8 Kinder sind alle jung verstorben
Death | September 18, 1809 (Age 21 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Ernst Glandorff Birth: March 10, 1743 24 — Dinklage In der Hörst Death: 1799 — Dinklage In der Hörst |
mother |
Maria Katharina Elisabeth Schröder Death: November 10, 1822 |
Marriage: May 17, 1781 — |
11 months elder sister |
Maria Elisabeth Glandorff Birth: April 21, 1782 39 Death: |
18 months elder sister |
Maria Clara Glandorff Birth: October 26, 1783 40 Death: |
22 months elder brother |
Johann Gerhard Glandorff Birth: September 1, 1785 42 Death: |
3 years herself |
Anna Maria Dorothea Glandorff Birth: March 8, 1788 44 Death: September 18, 1809 |
3 years younger brother |
Bernhard Heinrich Glandorff Birth: November 24, 1790 47 Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Johann Gerhard Glandorff Birth: June 26, 1793 50 Death: |
6 years younger brother |
Johann Friderich Glandorff Birth: January 26, 1799 55 Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Franz Heinrich Glandorff Birth: February 8, 1802 58 Death: |
Father’s family with Katharina Engel Von der Heide |
father |
Johann Ernst Glandorff Birth: March 10, 1743 24 — Dinklage In der Hörst Death: 1799 — Dinklage In der Hörst |
step-mother |
Katharina Engel Von der Heide Birth: Death: |
Marriage: January 21, 1769 — |
18 months half-brother |
Johann Heinrich Glandorff Birth: August 1, 1770 27 — Dinklage In der Hörst Death: |
4 years half-sister |
Maria Gertrud Glandorff Birth: April 25, 1774 31 Death: |
4 years half-sister |
Maria Angela Glandorff Birth: January 25, 1778 34 Death: |
3 years half-brother |
Ernst Christoph Glandorff Birth: July 23, 1780 37 Death: March 3, 1781 |