Roman J SteltenpohlAge: 19 years1925–1944
- Name
- Roman J Steltenpohl
- Given names
- Roman J
- Surname
- Steltenpohl
Birth | April 14, 1925 41 38 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Bernard Niehaus October 6, 1925 (Age 5 months) |
Birth of a sister | Theresa Steltenpohl January 24, 1928 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Carolina Bencken April 30, 1928 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a sister | Theresa Steltenpohl May 11, 1931 (Age 6 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | John Jacob Bittel — Hilda Steltenpohl — View this family May 13, 1935 (Age 10 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | Albert J. Weiter — Anna Mae Steltenpohl — View this family September 15, 1936 (Age 11 years) |
Death of a brother | Hubert Steltenpohl June 19, 1938 (Age 13 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | Eugene J Cunningham — Mary Etta Steltenpohl — View this family November 11, 1940 (Age 15 years) Note: 5 lebende Kinder
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anna Ruhe June 11, 1944 (Age 19 years) |
Death | July 28, 1944 (Age 19 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Marriage: February 6, 1906 — Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA |
3 years elder sister |
Hilda Steltenpohl Birth: November 21, 1908 24 21 — Ferdinand Death: August 7, 1999 — Louisville |
23 months elder sister |
Anna Mae Steltenpohl Birth: October 13, 1910 26 23 — Ferdinand Death: December 28, 1989 — Louisville |
2 years elder sister |
Mary Etta Steltenpohl Birth: December 12, 1912 28 25 — Ferdinand Death: June 5, 1971 — Louisville |
23 months elder brother |
Herman Steltenpohl Birth: November 11, 1914 30 27 — Ferdinand Death: August 30, 2001 — Ferdinand |
2 years elder brother |
Hubert Steltenpohl Birth: December 10, 1916 32 29 — Ferdinand Death: June 19, 1938 — Jefferson |
23 months elder sister |
Mildred Steltenpohl Birth: November 3, 1918 34 31 — Ferdinand |
2 years elder brother |
Bernard Steltenpohl Birth: December 29, 1920 36 33 — Ferdinand Death: March 15, 1974 — Jasper |
2 years elder brother |
Ralph Steltenpohl Birth: January 9, 1923 38 35 — Ferdinand Death: September 22, 1997 — Ferdinand |
2 years himself |
Roman J Steltenpohl Birth: April 14, 1925 41 38 — Ferdinand Death: July 28, 1944 — Saint-Lô |
3 years younger sister |
Theresa Steltenpohl Birth: January 24, 1928 43 40 — Ferdinand Death: May 11, 1931 — Ferdinand |
Note | Roman gave his life for his country in WWII. He was killed in action in France and buried in France until after the war when his body was returned in 1948 and buried in Ferdinand, IN |