Catherine MeyerAge: 57 years1868–1925
- Name
- Catherine Meyer
- Given names
- Catherine
- Surname
- Meyer
Birth | January 6, 1868 |
Marriage | Jacob Bittel — View this family yes |
Birth of a son #1 | John Jacob Bittel January 2, 1908 (Age 39 years) |
Death | June 27, 1925 (Age 57 years) |
Family with Jacob Bittel |
husband |
Jacob Bittel Birth: January 18, 1873 — Cincinnati Death: October 23, 1952 — Louisville |
herself |
Catherine Meyer Birth: January 6, 1868 — Louisville Death: June 27, 1925 — Louisville |
Marriage: — |
son |
John Jacob Bittel Birth: January 2, 1908 34 39 — Louisville Death: January 10, 1989 — Louisville |