Catharina Carolina StruckhofAge: 42 years1844–1887
- Name
- Catharina Carolina Struckhof
- Given names
- Catharina Carolina
- Surname
- Struckhof
- Married name
- Catharina Carolina Pille
Birth | August 2, 1844 33 27 |
Death of a father | Johann Henrich Ferdinand Struckhof December 2, 1849 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anna Margaretha Sieve December 30, 1862 (Age 18 years) |
Marriage | Caspar Heinrich Pille — View this family November 29, 1871 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Josef Pille December 21, 1873 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Christina Krogmann January 30, 1880 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Josefina Pille March 21, 1887 (Age 42 years) |
Death | April 20, 1887 (Age 42 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Henrich Ferdinand Struckhof Birth: September 12, 1810 36 32 Death: December 2, 1849 |
mother |
Maria Agnes Klöker Birth: July 11, 1817 37 31 Death: December 30, 1895 |
Marriage: April 22, 1840 — |
4 years herself |
Catharina Carolina Struckhof Birth: August 2, 1844 33 27 Death: April 20, 1887 |
Father’s family with Maria Elisabeth Haßkamp |
father |
Johann Henrich Ferdinand Struckhof Birth: September 12, 1810 36 32 Death: December 2, 1849 |
step-mother |
Maria Elisabeth Haßkamp Birth: July 4, 1810 Death: November 2, 1839 |
Marriage: November 3, 1836 — |
Family with Caspar Heinrich Pille |
husband |
Caspar Heinrich Pille Birth: October 21, 1843 50 27 — Steinfeld-Schemde Death: June 27, 1921 — Holdorf Ihorst |
herself |
Catharina Carolina Struckhof Birth: August 2, 1844 33 27 Death: April 20, 1887 |
Marriage: November 29, 1871 — |
2 years son |
son | |
daughter |
Josefina Pille Birth: March 21, 1887 43 42 |
Note | Die Familie hatte 6 Kinder, wovon 3 Kinder bereits im Kindesalter starben. Die Mutter starb bei der Geburt des letzten Kindes. |