Christoph GlandorffAge: 13 years1632–1646
- Name
- Christoph Glandorff
- Given names
- Christoph
- Surname
- Glandorff
Birth | January 25, 1632 26 |
Birth of a sister | Margarete Glandorff after 1632 (Age ) |
Death | before 1646 (Age 13 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Hermann Glandorff Birth: before 1606 56 Death: February 19, 1650 |
mother |
Anna Strop Birth: Wiedenbrück Death: |
Marriage: 1631 — |
2 years brother |
Anton Glandorff Birth: before 1632 26 Death: October 24, 1705 |
1 month himself |
Christoph Glandorff Birth: January 25, 1632 26 — Wiedenbrück Death: before 1646 |
sister |
Elisabeth Glandorff Birth: Death: |
sister |
Margarete Glandorff Birth: after 1632 26 Death: |