Mary Ida StrathmannAge: 0 days1909–1909
- Name
- Mary Ida Strathmann
- Given names
- Mary Ida
- Surname
- Strathmann
Birth | February 2, 1909 41 38 |
Birth of a sister | Barbara Mary Strathmann February 2, 1909 (on the date of death) |
Death | February 2, 1909 |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: August 26, 1867 46 37 — St. Libory Death: September 12, 1941 — Seneca |
mother |
Marriage: November 24, 1891 — Fayetteville, St. Clair, Illinois, USA |
9 months elder brother |
Frank John Strathman Birth: August 26, 1892 25 22 — Fayetteville Death: April 1, 1974 — Pocahontas |
2 years elder sister |
Bertha Ida Strathmann Birth: December 27, 1894 27 24 — Okawville Death: June 6, 1985 — Seneca |
23 months elder brother |
20 months elder brother |
Herman George Strathmann Birth: July 7, 1898 30 28 — Mascoutah Death: January 19, 1979 — Seneca |
17 months elder sister |
Lydia Lena Strathmann Birth: December 9, 1899 32 29 — Mascoutah Death: April 20, 1980 — Marysville |
3 years elder brother |
John Gerald Strathman Birth: October 29, 1902 35 32 — Mascoutah Death: July 23, 1989 — Shawnee Mission |
23 months elder brother |
Edward Henry Strathman Birth: October 8, 1904 37 34 — Mascoutah Death: February 28, 1988 — Seneca |
3 years elder sister |
Alma Mary Strathmann Birth: July 16, 1907 39 37 — Mascoutah Death: |
19 months twin sister |
Barbara Mary Strathmann Birth: February 2, 1909 41 38 — Seneca Death: September 16, 1970 — Seneca |
herself |
Mary Ida Strathmann Birth: February 2, 1909 41 38 — Seneca Death: February 2, 1909 — Seneca |
2 years younger brother |
Albert William Strathman Birth: May 10, 1911 43 41 — Seneca Death: October 13, 1986 — Portland |