Maria Gertrud GlandorffAge: 3 years1757–1761
- Name
- Maria Gertrud Glandorff
- Given names
- Maria Gertrud
- Surname
- Glandorff
Birth | July 20, 1757 38 |
Birth of a brother | Kaspar Heinrich Glandorff October 14, 1759 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a brother | Kaspar Heinrich Glandorff January 7, 1761 (Age 3 years) |
Death | January 25, 1761 (Age 3 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Jürgen Glandorff Birth: January 14, 1719 29 Death: January 19, 1784 |
mother |
Anna Dorothea Schmitt Birth: Death: |
Marriage: October 4, 1741 — |
17 months elder brother |
Johann Ernst Glandorff Birth: March 10, 1743 24 — Dinklage In der Hörst Death: 1799 — Dinklage In der Hörst |
22 months elder brother |
Anton Heinrich Glandorff Birth: January 17, 1745 26 Death: |
4 years elder sister |
Maria Elisabeth Glandorff Birth: March 19, 1749 30 Death: |
7 months elder sister |
Anna Maria Engel Glandorff Birth: October 12, 1749 30 Death: July 7, 1785 |
3 years elder brother |
Johann Bernhard Glandorff Birth: 1752 32 Death: |
1 year elder sister |
Margareta Maria Glandorff Birth: 1752 32 Death: |
6 years herself |
Maria Gertrud Glandorff Birth: July 20, 1757 38 Death: January 25, 1761 |
2 years younger brother |
Kaspar Heinrich Glandorff Birth: October 14, 1759 40 Death: January 7, 1761 |