Gesina EilersAge: 18 months1688–1689
- Name
- Gesina Eilers
- Given names
- Gesina
- Surname
- Eilers
Birth | about 1688 55 |
Death of a mother | Gesina Scherberding May 20, 1688 |
Death | July 18, 1689 (Age 18 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
Wilhelm Eilers Birth: about 1633 Death: between 1711 and 1719 |
mother |
Gesina Scherberding Birth: Death: May 20, 1688 — Steinfeld |
Marriage: April 1, 1664 — Steinfeld, VEC, NI, DE |
17 months elder sister |
Anna Eilers Birth: September 10, 1665 32 — Steinfeld Death: October 30, 1699 — Steinfeld |
6 years elder sister |
Lucia Eilers Birth: June 26, 1671 38 — Steinfeld |
3 years elder sister |
Lucia Eilers Birth: about 1673 40 — Steinfeld |
16 years herself |
Gesina Eilers Birth: about 1688 55 — Steinfeld Death: July 18, 1689 — Steinfeld |