Herman WassenborgAge: 55 years1649–1704
- Name
- Herman Wassenborg
- Given names
- Herman
- Surname
- Wassenborg
Birth | about 1649 29 19 |
Marriage | Beatrix Krogmann — View this family about 1683 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Conrad Wassenborg November 14, 1683 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Margaretha Wassenborg about 1685 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Herman Gerhard Wassenborg November 13, 1689 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Johan Henrich Wassenborg September 5, 1694 (Age 45 years) |
Death | March 20, 1704 (Age 55 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Roleff Wassenbergh Birth: about 1620 40 — Lohne Death: |
mother |
GR.ttke … Birth: about 1630 |
himself |
Herman Wassenborg Birth: about 1649 29 19 — Lohne Death: March 20, 1704 — Lohne |
Family with Beatrix Krogmann |
himself |
Herman Wassenborg Birth: about 1649 29 19 — Lohne Death: March 20, 1704 — Lohne |
wife |
Beatrix Krogmann Birth: about 1653 28 — Lohne Death: December 27, 1731 — Lohne |
Marriage: about 1683 — Lohne, VEC, NI, DE |
10 months son |
Conrad Wassenborg Birth: November 14, 1683 34 30 — Lohne Death: |
2 years daughter |
Margaretha Wassenborg Birth: about 1685 36 32 — Lohne |
5 years son |
Herman Gerhard Wassenborg Birth: November 13, 1689 40 36 — Lohne |
5 years son |
Johan Henrich Wassenborg Birth: September 5, 1694 45 41 — Lohne |