Talke KathmannAge: 72 years1687–1760
- Name
- Talke Kathmann
- Given names
- Talke
- Surname
- Kathmann
Birth | March 27, 1687 33 39 |
Birth of a sister | Anna Margareta Kathmann March 3, 1692 (Age 4 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | Wessel Nuxoll — Anna Margareta Kathmann — View this family July 19, 1717 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a mother | Hilke Krögera August 29, 1718 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a father | Hermann Henrich Kathmann October 13, 1729 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a brother | Johann Kathmann May 29, 1739 (Age 52 years) |
Death | March 12, 1760 (Age 72 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Hermann Henrich Kathmann Birth: about 1654 — Dinklage Death: October 13, 1729 |
mother |
Hilke Krögera Birth: 1648 — Dinklage Death: August 29, 1718 — Dinklage |
Marriage: February 14, 1679 — Dinklage, VEC, NI, DE |
6 years elder brother |
Johann Kathmann Birth: April 14, 1685 31 37 — Dinklage Death: May 29, 1739 — Dinklage |
23 months herself |
Talke Kathmann Birth: March 27, 1687 33 39 — Dinklage Death: March 12, 1760 — Dinklage |
5 years younger sister |
Anna Margareta Kathmann Birth: March 3, 1692 38 44 — Dinklage Death: February 9, 1771 — Dinklage |