Theodor Johan HoeneAge: 30 years1738–1768
- Name
- Theodor Johan Hoene
- Given names
- Theodor Johan
- Surname
- Hoene
Birth | August 10, 1738 37 36 |
Death of a father | Jodocus Heinrich Hoene October 24, 1743 (Age 5 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | Joes Arnoldus Hoene — Anna Maria Helmes — View this family January 27, 1761 (Age 22 years) |
Death | September 3, 1768 (Age 30 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jodocus Heinrich Hoene Birth: 1701 — Dinklage Death: October 24, 1743 |
mother |
Adelheidis Moennig Birth: August 16, 1701 — Bakum Death: January 31, 1771 |
Marriage: September 4, 1725 — |
-2 months elder brother |
Johan Bernard Hoene Birth: July 13, 1725 24 23 |
3 years elder brother |
Johan Heinrich Hoene Birth: December 1, 1728 27 27 |
4 years elder sister |
Anna Catherina Hoene Birth: August 10, 1732 31 30 |
2 years elder brother |
Joes Arnoldus Hoene Birth: October 27, 1734 33 33 — Dinklage |
4 years himself |
Theodor Johan Hoene Birth: August 10, 1738 37 36 Death: September 3, 1768 |