Bartoldus CardinalAge: 80 years1621–1701
- Name
- Bartoldus Cardinal
- Given names
- Bartoldus
- Surname
- Cardinal
Birth | 1621 |
Marriage | Trineke Kenkel — View this family 1664 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Henric Carnal June 2, 1681 (Age 60 years) |
Death | July 14, 1701 (Age 80 years) |
Family with Trineke Kenkel |
himself |
Bartoldus Cardinal Birth: 1621 Death: July 14, 1701 |
wife |
Trineke Kenkel Birth: 1638 Death: April 8, 1719 |
Marriage: 1664 — Dinklage, VEC, NI, DE |
17 years son |
Henric Carnal Birth: June 2, 1681 60 43 — Dinklage Death: March 30, 1729 — Dinklage |