Clemens RoheAge: 61 years1860–1921
- Name
- Clemens Rohe
- Given names
- Clemens
- Surname
- Rohe
Birth | February 2, 1860 42 33 |
Religious marriage | Agnes Josephine Themann — View this family September 29, 1903 (Age 43 years) |
Death | April 10, 1921 (Age 61 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Hermann Heinrich Rohe Birth: December 21, 1817 30 |
mother |
Maria Agnes Haskamp Birth: November 2, 1826 |
Marriage: May 10, 1848 — Steinfeld-Mühlen, VEC, NI, DE |
12 years himself |
Clemens Rohe Birth: February 2, 1860 42 33 Death: April 10, 1921 — Lohne-Kroge-Ehrendorf |
Family with Agnes Josephine Themann |
himself |
Clemens Rohe Birth: February 2, 1860 42 33 Death: April 10, 1921 — Lohne-Kroge-Ehrendorf |
wife |
Agnes Josephine Themann Birth: December 30, 1874 35 22 — Steinfeld-Mühlen Death: May 21, 1948 |
Marriage: September 29, 1903 — Steinfeld-Mühlen, VEC, NI, DE |